
Reputation-Recipe (Location)
1-Rogue Pants (Harmony Camp)
10-Strategist's Serum (Neoathernaris)
10-Merchant's Serum (Neoathernaris)
10-Thief's Serum (Neoathernaris)
10-Detective's Serum (Neoathernaris)
10-Guard's Greaves (Watchman's Armory)
10-Guard's Torso (Watchman's Armory)
10-Guard's Helmet (Watchman's Armory)
10-Guard's Tabard (Watchman's Armory)
10-Guard's Gloves (Watchman's Armory)
10-Guard's Boots (Watchman's Armory)
10-Wooden Targe (Watchman's Armory)
10-Guard's Pants (Watchman's Armory)
10-Trolley (Issaya Shipyard)
10-Woodworker's Serum (Issaya Shipyard)
10-Blacksmith's Serum (The Forge of the Cliff)
10-Forester Shirt (Forest Marquee)
10-Forester Pants (Forest Marquee)
10-Metal Rondache (The Forge of the Cliff)
10-Long Sword (The Forge of the Cliff)
20-Noble Beret (Neoathernaris)
36-Studen's Tunic (Neoathernaris)
36-Studen's Skirt (Neoathernaris)
36-Noble's Skirt (Neoathernaris)
36-Pants of the Silent (Harmony Camp)
36-Shirt of the Silent (Harmony Camp)
36-Escape Badge (Harmony Camp)
36-Wooden Shield (The Forge of the Cliff)
36-Metal Targe (The Forge of the Cliff)
36-Guardian's Torso (Watchman's Armory)
36-Scout's Torso (Watchman's Armory)
36-Larcen Shirt (Neoathernaris)
64-Stagecoach (Issaya Shipyard)
64-Luxurious Bed (Quarawood Furnitures)
64-Sawmill (Issaya Shipyard)
64-Dray (Issaya Shipyard)
64-Catalytic Mace (The Forge of the Cliff)
64-Larcen Cape (Neoathernaris)
100-Carpentry (Issaya Shipyard)
105-Tabard of Larcen (Quara Market)
Reputation-Book (Location)
10-Academic +1 (House of The Setting Sun)
10-Lumberjacking +1 (Forest Marquee)
10-Persuasion +1 (House of The Setting Sun)
10-Hunting +1 (Forest Marquee)
10-Perception +1 (House of The Setting Sun)
10-Woodworking +1 (Issaya Shipyard)
10-Exploration +1 (House of The Setting Sun)
10-Subterfuge +1 (House of The Setting Sun)
10-Athletics +1 (House of The Setting Sun)
10-Forest +1 (Forest Marquee)
10-Strategy +1 (House of The Setting Sun)
36-Forest +1 (Forest Marquee)
36-Woodworking +1 (Issaya Shipyard)
36-Subterfuge +1 (House of Salamandese)
36-Lumberjacking +1 (Forest Marquee)
36-Swamp +1 (Tower of Tarawest)
36-Hunting +1 (Forest Marquee)
36-Persuasion +1 (House of Salamandese)
64-Lumberjacking +1 (Forest Marquee)
64-Subterfuge +2 (House of The Setting Sun)
64-Perception +2 (House of The Setting Sun)
64-Exploration +2 (House of The Setting Sun)
64-Strategy +2 (House of The Setting Sun)
64-Athletics +2 (House of The Setting Sun)
64-Persuasion +2 (House of The Setting Sun)
64-Academic +2 (House of The Setting Sun)
64-Woodworking +1 (Issaya Shipyard)
100-Lumberjacking +1 (Forest Marquee)
100-Hunting +1 (Forest Marquee)
100-Axe +1 (Forest Marquee)
100-Woodworking +2 (Issaya Shipyard)
100-Exploration +1 (House of The Setting Sun)
Reputation-Talent (Location)