

CosmeticsLocation/Blue FlagNPCPriceCount
Blue ChestBC Shop2501
Change Your NameBC Shop1001
Change Your SexBC Shop1001
Chillwind Boots (Chillwind Event)BC Shop75
Chillwind Gloves (Chillwind Event)BC Shop50
Chillwind Scarf (Chillwind Event)BC Shop100
Chillwind Tuque (Chillwind Event)BC Shop25
Cryobaronis Boots (Chillwind Event)BC Shop150
Cryobaronis Cloak (Chillwind Event)BC Shop250
Cryobaronis Gloves (Chillwind Event)BC Shop150
Cryobaronis Pants (Chillwind Event)BC Shop150
Cryobaronis Shirt (Chillwind Event)BC Shop150
Cryobaronis Vest (Chillwind Event)BC Shop200
Dye Celestial White (Chillwind Event)BC Shop20
Dye Orus PatinaBC Shop101
Dye Silky Red (Gems of Valantom Event)BC Shop51
Dye Tenebrous BlackBC Shop151
Dye Windchill Blue (Chillwind Event)BC Shop3
Minion Shelly (Gems of Valantom Event)BC Shop1501
Mists SnailBC Shop251
Portable PortalBC Shop1001
Valantom's Gloves (Gems of Valantom Event)BC Shop1001
Valantom's Headband (Gems of Valantom Event)BC Shop501
Valantom's Jacket (Gems of Valantom Event)BC Shop2001
Valantom's Shoes (Gems of Valantom Event)BC Shop501
Valantom's Skirt (Gems of Valantom Event)BC Shop2001
Valantom's Tights (Gems of Valantom Event)BC Shop1501