
Book / Reputation (Location)
Strategy +1 / None (Protect the GOATS!!!)
Strategy +1 / None (Sortis Camp (Bookstore))
Strategy +1 / Claw Assembly 25 (Nosezandertal Cave (Must Complete Toride's War))
Strategy +1 / Claw Assembly 25 (Nest of The Assembly)
Strategy +1 / Gantras 64 (The People's Armoury)
Strategy +1 / Gantras 100 (The People's Armoury)
Strategy +1 / Larcen 10 (House of The Setting Sun)
Strategy +2 / Larcen 64 (House of The Setting Sun)
Level-Training (Location)
50-Helping with Planning for The End of The World (Camp of The Dreamer's)
44-Study the Ruins' Layout (Ruins of Kristo)
39-Tactically Sort through the Ancient Rubble (Mecablip Dump)
35-Talk about Forest Warfare (Cabin of The Old Madman)
30-Organize a Military Caucus (Limited x5) (Kortombe Barracks)
30-Learn about Naval Strategies (Jon Thorval Master's Office)
25-Take a Florentina Military Training Class (Fortress of The Rose)
20-Participate in a Tournament (Poakerson Park (250g Daily))
15-Organize the Defenses of The Outpost (Minokiller Outpost)
10-Patrol with Jullus (Corrina Inn)
5-Guard the Statue of Kortomis (Statue of Kortomis (45g 5hr CD))
2-Patrol with Tormish (Kortombourg Center)
+Bonus-Companion ()
+10-War Horse
+2-Mara The Apprentice
+1-Palenne Riordan